2024-2025 Academic Year Registration Renewal

August 7, 2024

International Students can pay their semester or annual tuition fees until 29 August 2024, Thursday.

It is not sufficient to submit only a receipt. Until 16 September 2024, the entire amount of the fee paid must have been transferred to our university accounts. Otherwise, we would like to remind you that the student’s course registration will not be made.

Otherwise, we would like to remind you that the student’s course registration will not be made.


BeneficiaryT.C. Haliç Üniversitesi
 Address Haliç Üniversitesi, 5. Levent Mahallesi, 15 Temmuz Şehitler Caddesi, No: 14/12 34060 Eyüpsultan/İSTANBUL-TURKIYE
Tel: (0212)-924-24-44 | Faks: (0212)-999-78-52
DescriptionPlease add your student number in the Payment Receipt Description with your Full Name.
Name of Bank Vakifbank
Account No. / Branch 4550167806 / Sütlüce
USD IBAN TR24 0001 5001 5804 8017 7848 65
EURO IBANTR76 0001 5001 5804 8018 8238 66
TL IBANTR41 0001 5001 5800 7309 0338 85
Bank Address: Sütlüce Mah, Karaağaç Cd No:2, 34445 Beyoğlu/İstanbul

*Bank expenses shall be covered by the payer. 

*Please add your student number in the Payment Receipt Description with your Full Name. 

*Once the payment is wired to the account of Haliç University, a copy of the bank payment receipt must be sent to ogrencimuhasebesi@halic.edu.tr

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