Faculty of Medicine

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Message from Faculty
Haliç University was established by “Foundation of our Kids with Leukemia” (Bizim Lösemili Çocuklar Vakfı) in 1998. One of the essential goals of the University was to establish the Faculty of Medicine. Following the necessary steps, medical education was started in 2017.
I have been proudly in the University as a lecturer since 2017. Then, I undertake the mission of the dean since 2022. We relocated to our new “Campus University” in 5th Levent region. Our motto is “Change Begins in Haliç University”. Our new campus has a total closed area of approximately 200.000 m2, including numerous laboratories (microscopy-genetic and research), classes, lecture halls, cadaver rooms, dissection, and model halls.
We practice an integrated education system, which consists of three stages: a pre-clinical program including integrated basic and clinical sciences (three years), a clinical program (2 years) and internship (one year). Anatomy, Biophysics, Histology and Embryology, Physiology, Medical Biochemistry, Medical Biology and Genetics, Medical Microbiology, Medical Pharmacology, and Pathology courses based on cells, tissues, organs, systems, and related diseases are taught by the experienced lecturers.
We have protocols with training and research hospitals and the affiliated hospital for clinical program and internship. We are planning to establish the Hospital of the Medical Faculty in the following years in our new campus.
We aim to provide our students with advanced skills and ethical values, as well as social, cultural, and communicative skills.
Our Great Leader M.K.Atatürk says in his speech to the Assembly on December 1, 1921;
“We are a Nation who must work to survive. Each of us has rights and authority. Nevertheless, when we work, we earn these rights. A person becomes human only by working.”
On the way, we set out to train you as a good medical doctor under the roof of Haliç University, we entrust our future to you.

Dean of Faculty
Prof.Dr. Ahmet Feridun Vural
Feridun Vural started his first dissection practices at Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy as a demonstrator assistant in 1969. He acquired the titles of lecturer in 1977, associate professor in 1982, and professor in 1988 at the same faculty. He modernized the department after becoming the head of the department. Conducting studies in Germany between 1979-1980 and in England in 1986 as a visiting academic, Vural temporarily worked in the foundation of Marmara University, Faculty of Medicine as a member of the faculty board. He planned the formation of Department of Morphology in person at the building formerly occupied by Haydarpaşa High School. Drawing the plans for and overseeing the manufacture of stainless steel cadaver storage and practice units, Vural planned the academic staff and left the department in 1986. He participated in the formation of Cerrahpaşa Medicine (English) program in 1987 and conducted anatomy lectures and practices. After forming the academic staff there, Vural left the department and founded the “Acupuncture Research and Practice Department” with the recommendation of YÖK (Council of Higher Education), and worked as the head of Department of Health, Culture and Sports and chief physician at Medicosocial Center at Istanbul University. He conducted many lectures at various faculties, colleges and occupational schools (Dentistry, Pharmaceutics, Nursing, Physiotherapy, fine arts, painting, sculpture, sports academy, etc.). Contributing to the educational lives of thousands of students, several assistants and lecturers, Vural retired in 2013 after 43 years of service. He was invited for the foundation of Haliç University, Faculty of Medicine in 2014 and assumed the role of founding dean. As of 2022, Vural has been appointed as Assistant to Rector for supervising the academic and internship activities of health science departments at our university.